
Production facilities Den Ouden Organic

Below you will find the addresses of our thirteen production facilities with opening hours.


Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed between 12:30 and 1:00 PM
Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Closed during and around the holidays in 2024:

  • Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 February (carnival). This does not apply to Location 't Gooi in Muiderberg
  • Monday April 1 (Easter Monday)
  • Thursday May 9 (Ascension Day)
  • Monday May 20 (Whit Monday)
  • Friday, July 19 (closed at 1:00 PM due to the start of construction)
  • Friday, December 20 (closed at 1:00 PM for Christmas drinks)
  • Tuesday, December 24 (closed at 1:00 PM due to Christmas Eve)
  • Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 December (Christmas Day and Boxing Day)
  • Tuesday, December 31 (closed at 1:00 PM for New Year's Eve)
  • Wednesday January 1, 2025 (New Year's Day)

Questions about prices and products?

T. +31(0)884254633

E. verkoop@denoudengroep.com

Contact details for production facilities

Den Ouden location Vlagheide | Schijndel

Vlagheide 6c
5482 NM Schijndel

T. +31(0)884254797


Den Ouden location De Peel | Helmond

Gerstdijk 6
5704 RG Helmond

T. +31(0)884254794


Den Ouden location Land van Cuijk | Haps

Beijersbos 2
5443 PL Haps

T. +31(0)884254793


Den Ouden location West-Brabant | Zegge

Rijksweg Noord 8
4735 TX Zegge

T. +31(0)884254790


Den Ouden location Maasland | Rosmalen

Vliertwijksestraat 45A
5244 NH Rosmalen

T. +31(0)884254796


Den Ouden location 't Gooi | Muiderberg

Naarderstraatweg 6
1399 VR Muiderberg

T. +31(0)884254792


Den Ouden location Kreekrak | Rilland

Westelijke Schelderijnweg 1a
4411 TC Rilland

T. +31(0)884254633

Den Ouden location De Kempen | Sterksel

Bedrijventerrein Poort43
Pastoor P. Thijssenlaan 43
6029 RL Sterksel

T. +31(0)884254633


Den Ouden location Brabantse Wal | Steenbergen

Zonnekreekseweg 2
4651 PM Steenbergen 

T. +31(0)884254791

Den Ouden location Midden-Limburg | Kelpen-Oler

Kelperheide 26
6037 SZ Kelpen-Oler

T. +31(0)884254795


Den Ouden location Midden-Brabant | Oosterhout

Statendamweg 100 
4905BP Oosterhout 

T. +31(0)884254798

Den Ouden location Parkstad | Brunssum (Afvalzorg)

Waubacherweg 11
6442 PW Brunssum

T. +31(0)888010707


Den Ouden location Belvedere | Maastricht

Industrieweg 4
6219 NR Maastricht

T. +31(0)888010770



Ligging productielocaties

Please note! We have new telephone numbers as of July 19. Check our contact page.

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