analoge detectie

Program of Requirements (PoR)

Den Ouden Bodac helps you draw up a Program of Requirements for detection and excavation research.

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archeologie kanjel en gelei

Determine the framework of the research

Every excavation investigation (test trenches/excavation) must be preceded by drawing up a Program of Requirements (PoR).

The SoR defines the scientific framework of the research and sets substantive and qualitative requirements for the research and the person carrying it out.

Each SoR must be approved by the competent authority. Den Ouden Bodac helps you draw up a Program of Requirements for detection and excavation research.

Need advice?

Contact person: Marc van Oers
Address: Het Zuiderkruis 37
5215 MV, 's-Hertogenbosch
Telephone: +31623668078

Please note! We have new telephone numbers as of July 19. Check our contact page.

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