We are proud to announce that the Den Ouden family business has once again achieved Level 2 on the Social Business Performance Ladder (PSO). This is the second highest level of the PSO quality mark.
The PSO Performance Ladder is a national standard that is intended to help more people with a distance to the labor market find work in a sustainable and high-quality manner. This is a scientifically substantiated measuring instrument and TNO quality mark.
Den Ouden was already certified at Level 2. The new assessment shows that we have once again demonstrated that we perform well above average in the field of employment for people with a vulnerable working position. We employ more people with a distance to the labor market than companies of a similar size. Among other things, we offer workplaces to trainees and purchase as much as possible with a view to social return on investment.
“We are extremely proud of this great milestone,” says Social Manager Marijke Mud – den Ouden. “We have been committed to giving substance to corporate social responsibility for many years. The fact that we once again demonstrate that we are socially entrepreneurship at an above-average level confirms that we continuously contribute to an inclusive society. That is very valuable to us.”
Please note! We have new telephone numbers as of July 19. Check our contact page.