High-quality topsoil (cultivation soil) is a good basis for your plants and improves the structure of the soil
High-quality topsoil (cultivation soil) is a good basis for your plants and improves the structure of the soil. The topsoil is composed with care and consists of clean soil and high-quality compost. The topsoil is suitable for growing plants.
Top soil BRL is virtually free of remaining weeds and foreign components such as rubble, asphalt, wood, plastic, iron and glass and is produced and delivered with BRL 9335-4 quality mark. The product also meets the background value for clean soil and the requirements of the Standard RAW 2015, cultivation soil application area A1 + B1 + C1. This makes Teelaarde BRL freely applicable and meets the strictest quality requirements.
TApply topsoil BRL in layers (per 40-50 cm). Press lightly per layer to max. 1.5 MPa without driving over the planting hole with machines. Apply topsoil BRL at least 10 cm above GHG / groundwater level. In the case of capillary moisture supply from groundwater, apply a layer of 10 cm of drainage sand. Do not process in wet conditions or frost. Ensuring that Top Soil BRL is not submerged during processing and after delivery. Avoid mixing with other raw materials,
Peter Bakker
Mob: +31 6 53328833
Kantoor (Ruud): 073 - 543 1003