Bomengranulaat Porfier 16-32 is specifiek bedoeld voor het creëren van groeiplaatsen onder zwaar belaste situaties als wegen en parkeerplaatsen.
Tree granulate Porphyry 16-32 is specifically intended for creating growing places under heavily loaded situations such as roads and parking spaces. The tree granulate is based on recycled quarry stone 16-32 mm, matured river clay, organic matter and additives. In circumstances when processed in accordance with strict civil engineering requirements, it provides growing space for tree roots to develop. This makes it possible to develop healthy trees in places where trees would otherwise not develop or cause problems with, for example, pavement pressure. The tree granulate is a composite product based on secondary building materials (no minerals) and is therefore responsible in the context of sustainability.
Tree granulate Porphyry 16-32 is produced and supplied with BRL 9341 quality mark. Tree granulate Porphyry thus meets the strictest quality requirements, including the requirements for an undesigned building material from the Soil Quality Decree.
Continuously recyclable material
High carrying capacity
Capillary function
Application areas
Parking lots
Bus lanes
Processing instructions
Do not process during frost or wet conditions.
Apply at least 10 cm above GHG / groundwater level, if capillary action apply 10 cm of drainage sand Process in accordance with RAW provisions 2015 section 52.02.06.
Apply in layers of a maximum of 30 cm and compact with a vibrating plate or wacker tamper.
Final compaction degree 95 – 100%.
Ensure sufficient aeration by means of an aeration system (airo-tec aeration system).
Ensure that substrate in depot and after processing cannot be submerged under water.
Click here for the product sheet.
Peter Bakker
Mob: +31 6 53328833
Kantoor (Ruud): 073 - 543 1003