
PHC- Tackling bad spots with PHC AgroAcid

Every grower has suffered from 'bad spots'. 


Every grower has suffered from 'bad spots' at one time or another. Over the years, these spots perform worse and worse, sometimes without any immediately identifiable cause. A soil analysis offers a solution in such cases. In the crop shown in the photos below, an increased level of bicarbonate and sodium was measured at the bad spots.

AgroAcid is a biodegradable acid with a specific effect on the breakdown of bicarbonates, among other things. Despite its pH of 0, this product is not aggressive to humans and completely breaks down in the soil.

PHC advised this grower to till the poorly producing spots once, to spread vegetable fertiliser and to till them lightly. Next, rain AgroAcid in (40l / ha) and after some time rinse with Fulvic25.

The photos below were taken in immediately succeeding crops at the same location. Where the soil had been performing poorly for years, a clear improvement can now be seen:

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