A soil analysis then offers a solution. During the cultivation in the photos below, an increased bicarbonate and sodium content was measured in the bad spots.
AgroAcid has been used to reduce the bicarbonate, sodium and chloride levels in the soil. is a biodegradable acid with a specific effect on the breakdown of, among other things, bicarbonates. Despite the pH of 0, this product is not aggressive for humans and completely decomposes in the soil.
AgroAcid has been used to reduce the bicarbonate, sodium and chloride levels in the soil.
PHC advised this grower to dig up the poorly producing areas once, spread vegetable fertilizer and till them lightly. Then rain in AgroAcid (40l / ha) and rinse after some time with Fulvic25.
The photos below were taken in immediate succession crops at the same location. Where the soil has performed poorly for years, there is now a clear improvement: