Stedelijke herinrichting

Urban renewal and reconstruction

Den Ouden Infra is capable of combining different disciplines in order to find quality, efficient and economic solutions. And to apply and execute these in a complex urban environment.

Contact us

Den Ouden Infra is able to combine various disciplines that are necessary to arrive at qualitative, efficient and economic solutions. And to apply and implement these in a complex urban environment.

Smart infrastructure

Urbanisation demands smart infrastructural solutions. At the same time, we also set high demands for a modern city. The energy transition, mobility, adapting to the climate, more green. We excel in these aspects. Challenging projects in a complex living environment. Working meticulously down to the square millimetre. While always taking the various stakeholders and diverse range of interests into account. This requires decisive expertise and full control over the process. We fully collaborate with you to respond to the needs of the environment and society.With our know-how in the area of urban renewal, we create safe, sustainable and future-proof public spaces. A place where people will enjoy living, working and recreating.

Improved water management ensures the sustainability of a city

Climate developments result in much more intense rainfall and warmer summers. This calls for better water management and more green in urban areas.By improving water management, we are able to bring the water back to urban areas. We install separated sewage systems. We create water passageways, flood facilities, infiltration and storage facilities. At the same time, we also bring recreational possibilities back to the city. Because living by the water is quality living. Especially on sweltering summer afternoons.

Den Ouden Organic has all the know-how you need to optimise the biodiversity in any region. The absolute added value we provide in urban renewal projects lies in our expertise in circular biobased products for public green spaces.

A partner who sees the big picture

Whenever we build, we always do so in harmony with the environment. We work accordingto the'Conscious Builder's Code of Conduct'. This means safety and supplying top quality come first. We focus on the environment and are building sustainable solutions.

Comprehensive solutions for every possible kind of contract.

We offer comprehensive solutions when it comes to advice, design, urban renewal and reconstruction. As an integral service provider, we can implement our specialisations within the UAV-gc, construction teams and in RAW contracts.


More information?

Contact person: Dirk van de Vleuten
Address: Hermalen 7
5481 XX, Schijndel
Telephone: +31620493928

Please note! We have new telephone numbers as of July 19. Check our contact page.

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